Sunday, June 10, 2012

Open Competitions

There is a growing concern all over the world about the loss of species of plants and animals due to development activities and deforestation. We all have to show our concern about this loss, and when ever possible we must try to bring some check upon these activities so that our environment is saved to the maximum possible.

One of the major effects due to changes in our environment, being noticed all over the world, is the effect on climate. Extreme colds, summer, rains and floods in recent years have surprised the weather experts. Plants and animals are also getting affected by this climate change. And those species which are already threatened due to development activities, and human invasion to biodiversity rich areas, are at greater risks due to climate change, which can even fasten the process of their disappearance from the Earth.

To develop awareness about the distinct forms of life and their unbelievable capacities to adapt and survive in very different environments, and their unbelievable morphological, anatomical, physiological adaptations to different environments, have drawn human awe, attention and interest to find out underlying cellular and molecular level functions to preserve species in question, and also to  find application to human health and disease, and possibly cures.

Stemming from this human  awe, attention and interest about the diversity of animals and plants on earth, I have floated an art competition with its last date  being 31st August, 2012, and another competition for identification of an insect, which I believe scholars in the field of  Zoology, or other fields, even the general public interested in animals, may find interesting to take part. Take part and contribute before the last dates.

                                                                              Photo By: Zaka Imam

                                                                                       Photo By: Zaka Imam
Photos Above: Larvae of spittle bug carrying protective bubbles on their body.The bubbles are formed when a secretion from their anus (while the larva is in upside down position on a twig) covers their body and they breathe out air from spiracles which gets trapped as bubbles in the secretion. See the story.

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